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is National FORUM of Special Education

an autonomous body, National Vocational Education Commission 




Indian Apprenticeship (Govt. Of India) Reg. No. E02200700005.

  (Under NSDC Govt. India) SDMS TP092816,

Govt. Of India National Capital Territory N.C.T.New Delhi India. 

With (Reg. No. 2019055128)  

MHRD (Renamed As) Ministry of Education.    

 Government of India, New Delhi. 

Education is on and less process needed for the development of any nation India being one of the developing country Concentrate on for aspect of youth education as maximum percentage of youth are in our country and who are going to be built this universe. The four central aspects of education are identified as: (1) lifelong learning;(2) and amplified version of basic education which includes preschool, elementary and secondary level education;(3) links between formal and non-formal education; and (4) Education for work.

First three are practised by all the schools but the Schools less concerned the last one education for work. This aspect can be affected by means of vocational training.

The role of education in facilitating social and economic progress has long been recognised. Education improves functional and analytical ability and thereby opens SAP opportunities for individuals and also groups to achieve greater access to labour markets and living and livelihoods. A better education labour force is Essential if We are to meet the labour supply requirements how faster growth. Education is not only an instrument of enhancing efficiency but is also an effective tool off widening and augmenting Democratic participation and updating the overall quality of individual and societal life.

Skills and knowledge that engines of economic growth and social development of any country, Countries with higher and better levels of knowledge and skill respond more affectively and promptly to challenges and apart unity is of globalisation. India is in transition to a knowledge-based economy and its competitive edge will be deterring mind by the abilities of its people to create, share and use knowledge more effectively. This transition will require India to develop workers into knowledge workers who will be more flexible, analytical, Adaptable and multi skilled. 

In the new knowledge economy the skill Sets will include professional, managerial, operational, behavioural, and interpersonal and inter functional skills. To achieve this course, India needs flexible education and training system that will provide the foundation for learning, secondary and territory education and to develop required competencies Is means of achieving lifelong learning.

NFSE INDIA Vocational education Commission is trying to make the vocational training program successful all over India to uplift youth.…

Our Mission

Towards become a ‘ Centre of excellence’ in only regular courses by offering quality training programmes to meet the current and emerging needs of the adult population, by widening the access to vocational training and by functioning as a catalyst to bridge Social, Economical and to be a major part in developing India.

Our Vision

NFSE training shall make available innovative, socially relevant educational provision that our learner centred, seamless and are of high-quality by employing appropriate vocational training equity in education, sustainable social transformation and composite National development.